Online Dental Insurance Info Discussion, Local Dentist Chat
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Dentists have an interesting relationship with dental insurance companies – with some dental insurance companies better than others. Less than half the people in the US, have private dental insurance – since many small business owners usually decide on just having medical insurance – and passing on dental insurance. Also, many 1099 contractors and those whom work part-time, usually do Not have dental insurance. Dental insurance coverage with the government varies state by state. Many times few dentists are part of the state dental insurance coverage program – Why? The reason many dentists decline being part of the state dental insurance coverage plan – is that the pay per dental procedure can be very low …. sometimes the dental pay by the state to the dentist / dental office can be less than 70% of a regular fee.
There are various other forms of dental insurance coverage that have come into the public space now – for individuals and families. Also, there are more companies providing dental insurance packages, as an incentive to attract good employees.
We are discussing and having a Dental Insurance Information Discussion @ DentalChat.com. We also will be discussing various other dental issues and topics at DentalChat. We are @ DENTAL CHAT looking for great dentists and dental professionals – to add their content on here. We discuss many dental topics and not just doing dental insurance chatting – from dental implants to cosmetic dentistry on here. Here is the link to one of them.
We will be discussing Dental Insurance in more depth in future DentalChat articles and blogs.
Great time to network online with us. Online Dental Insurance Info Discussion, Local Dentist Chat, Online Dental Chat about dentistry and Emergency Dental Care Chatting Online, Dental Insurance Chat online at DentalChat. We are networking with local dentists and dental companies.