Oral Bony Growth Chat- Discussing Online Mandibular Torus
- Oral Bony Growth Chat- Discussing Online Mandibular Torus:
We @ DentalChat like to discuss many dental topics. In this Dental Blog – We will be discussion Mandibular Tori and Oral Bony Growth Chat Online. Discussing Online Mandibular Torus formation and what to do if have them. Mandibular tori because it is excess bone, will notice that it is bumpy and somewhat firm — your dentist will let you know what it is, if have any questions.
One thing is to have common sense – if notice some growth and dont know what it is? Then, can go visit a dentist or oral surgeon and get it examined.
Mandibular Tori Chatting:
Many people do not realize they have mandibular torus in mouth, until being told by a dentist or hygienist that the bone growth is unusual. When people see or realize they have Mandibular Tori or Mandibular Torus in their mouth, they can be somewhat concerned. What is Mandibular Tori or Torus? Tori is a another way or word for bone growth that is usually in the lower jaw, which is is usually non-malignant. This bone growth can be uncomfortable, though many times it is not. Usually your dentist will keep watch of it and most likely leave it alone.
Sometimes, people with Mandibular Tori or Torus may have some pain – usually because injure the area or scrape it, etc. – best then is to keep it clean and maybe get fluoride rinses and can always see a dentist to see what is the cause of the pain.