Frenectomy Online Blog, Oral Cancer Discussion @ Dental Chat
Frenectomy Online Blog, Oral Cancer Discussion @ Dental Chat:
Frenectomy Discussion: excessive lingual frenum will be taken care of in infancy. When this has not been done for the oral frenum, relieving this excess attachment (Frenectomy) will usually help or aid in speech if done right – it will also allow a more normal swallowing pattern and may improve facial growth.
We will be discussing Oral Frenectomy and Oral Cancer in this Dental Blog. Inside the mouth, there is a frenum (frenum is a muscular tissue) that attaches inside the upper lip to a area usually between the 2 top front teeth. Sometimes, this frenum attachment is too close to the teeth – causing possibly a space between the 2 front teeth. A frenectomy procedure is done usually by a oral surgeon, periodontist or general dentist with experience in this procedure, to basically remove the excess Frenum.
Oral Cancer Discussion: One of the reasons should go have regular dental exam, is for your dentist to check your mouth for possible oral cancer. The vast majority of oral cancers found in the mouth are squamous cell carcinoma, something around 90%. Lip cancer is a common form of cancer, that affects more men than women. The two types of lip cancer that one finds is usually squamous cell and basal cell carcinoma. If have a sore in the mouth, that does not heal – should have your dentist or oral surgeon check it out / do a dental exam. People whom use tobacco products, specially if it is for long periods – should let their dentist know & do regular dental exam / dental prophy. By some estimates, approximately 75% of the oral cancer found in people, is people from people who use tobacco products regularly. Bottom line, if smoke or use chewless tobacco, should check regularly for any signs of it.
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