Older Population / Elderly are keeping and maintaining Their Teeth Longer with better Dental Care
- Older Population / Elderly are keeping and maintaining Their Teeth Longer with better Dental Care:
Dentistry is on the cutting edge of new technology to help patients keep and maintain their teeth longer. In the coming years, as more tech innovation is happening in the dental field – dental care is improving for many to be able to keep their teeth longer. Older Population / Elderly are keeping and maintaining Their Teeth Longer with better Dental Care. 50 years ago, the dental technology available was sparse at best. Now, with dental implants and advanced periodontal treatments available, more and more people in their 60’s, 70’s and 80’s are maintaining their teeth.
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Dental Care for the elderly – this can include periodontal treatment including root planing, gum graft surgery, dental implant placement and dental pocket reduction periodontal procedures. Now dental laser treatment is also helping a lot in this process. As people are living longer, they are expecting to maintain their teeth longer. Now for instance, even those who end up with dentures, can have dental implants placed in them.