Difference between a Partial Denture and a Complete Denture / Dentist Chatting
Difference between a Partial Denture and a Complete Denture / Dentist Chatting:
We want to discuss various dental topics on here. What is the difference between a Partial Denture and a Complete Denture? This is quite simple. A partial denture is when there are several teeth missing in the mouth, and the partial denture is used to replace the several teeth or single missing tooth. A partial denture sometimes has various types of hooks or attachments to go around the teeth, to hold it in place.
A COMPLETE DENTURE or FULL DENTURE is when all the teeth in the mouth have been extracted & a complete denture is used to replace the missing teeth. Denture(s) are generally removable appliances. Now a days, they are also used with Dental Implants sometimes, though usually an attachment placed inside the denture to hold more steadily in place. That is, dentures are used in conjunction sometimes with dental implants – though this may be more costly. The denture / dental implant(s) combo maybe a good option for those that have had all their teeth extracted – a retained denture / dental implants attachment to provide more support for the person to chew.
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