Do You Need a New Denture?
Like everything we use, dentures wear out over time. But when you consider the wear and tear a denture gets working to chew your food, it’s remarkable they last as long as they do. Not many artificial materials exist in a wet, warm place with grinding forces grinding away day after day without wearing out! A properly made set of dentures can work for years before reaching their demise. Plus, they require little additional cost to maintain them over that period. But as it goes, the tough medical-grade plastic teeth wear down and can’t tear food as they used to. Or the base of the denture starts to crack, thin, and chip away. In some situations, the entire denture may break in half.
If you’re dealing with bad teeth, you may just be considering your first denture. If you’re not sure, a visit to the dentist can help you figure out your options. Whether you need a new denture or you can save your existing teeth, an exam is a good place to start. We welcome local dentists to do Partial Denture Blogging online and Dentures Chatting Online with us.
The cost of dentures worries patients when they decide it’s time for a new pair. Your dentures significantly influence your quality of life since they’re usually part of your daily experience. You’ve probably had a pair of cheap, poorly-fitted shoes. And in contrast, you’ve probably had a pair of comfortable shoes made from the best materials. While the prices were different, you ended up with what you paid for. We can all relate to that situation with many products we’ve purchased.
More Than A Product
But dentures are more than a product. In the bigger picture, they’re one part of a professional service that’s designed specifically for you. It’s important your dentist thoroughly examines your mouth before starting the steps to craft your new smile.
Sometimes unhealthy fungal infections thrive under old dentures, or gums are red and swollen. Unless these problems are examined and treated, new dentures just end up sitting on top of old problems. Your doctor checks for any signs of gum and jaw changes that need attention, a skill that requires the training of a dentist. Their background in anatomy helps them determine whether features of your mouth will affect the fit of new dentures.
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Since your dentist brings advanced training in cosmetic dentistry to the table, they apply that artistic eye to designing your new smile. For example, the color of denture teeth can be customized to your preference. And you may be surprised to learn that tooth size, shape, and alignment are part of the option package you choose. The cost of new dentures includes high-quality teeth duplicating nature, all ideally set into place for lip support and solid function. In most cases, the precisely placed teeth can be evaluated by you before the denture is processed. This gives you valuable input to the process that leads to a final denture.
New dentures may need slight adjustments since they’re made to fit closely onto your gums. Small pressure points aren’t unusual and Dr. Y is happy to fine-tune your new teeth once you’ve had a chance to use them. Short visits to make small adjustments right after you start wearing them are generally included in the cost of your overall treatment.
Nicely crafted dentures give you confidence, good function, and a smile you are pleased to display to the world. If you need help finding the best dentist to explore options for a new denture, we’re here to help you out. Try our chat function to connect with a dentist on our team!
If you don’t have a dentist or you’re dealing with more questions about what to expect after tooth extraction, you’re in the right place. DentalChat provides the best platform to connect with licensed U.S.-based dentists. You can ask questions online and even connect with a nearby office that can help you with your needs. Feel free to jump on and see how we can help now or in the future!