When You Need to Know How to Stop Tooth Pain
Maybe it’s 1 a.m. and you just want the answer to “How to stop tooth pain.” If so, you need to find a dentist as soon as possible. There are many reasons why you may be experiencing pain in your mouth, and you’ll feel much better once you get a solution to the problem
What are the causes of toothaches?
Toothaches can be caused by something happening to your teeth or it could be referred pain from other parts of your body. Some common causes of toothaches include:
– Trauma to the face or jaw
– Drainage from sinus infections may cause tooth pain.
-Tooth decay that spreads deep and extends to the nerves in your teeth may cause pain.
-A broken filling might expose the nerve inside the tooth
-Tooth infection or abscessed tooth
-Food impaction between teeth
-Pericoronitis: Inflammation over the gum that covers wisdom teeth.
-Temporomandibular joint or jaw muscle disorders
– Gingivitis or periodontal disease, commonly known as gum disease
-Bruxism: Grinding your teeth, especially at night
What Do I Do To Help Right Now?
You may have to wait to see a dentist, and you need a little relief in the meantime. Some home treatments that can dull your pain before you can visit your dentist include:
-Use over-the-counter pain relievers provide temporary relief from a toothache.
-Keeping your head elevated higher than your body will keep the blood from rushing & pooling to your head. The higher the blood flow, the more intensified the toothache will be.
-Try avoiding acidic, cold and hard foods before bed as they can trigger pain.
-Rinse your teeth with a mouthwash containing alcohol. It will disinfect and numb your teeth.
-Use a cold compress or ice pack before bed can help dull the pain.
When Should You Go to the Dentist?
Any toothache deserves an answer. Sometimes pain that diminishes can return with more intensity than the first time. Consult your dentist immediately if your toothache lasts more than two days, is accompanied by fever, headache, pain when opening your mouth, causes you severe discomfort, causes you trouble sleeping at night, or if you have trouble breathing or swallowing. If you’re having trouble breathing or swallowing, go to the ER immediately.
Depending on the cause of a toothache, your dentist will choose the best treatment for your condition. This may include:
– If the tooth decay is limited to the dentin, the cavity may be cleaned out and filled.
-If your tooth has cracked or fractured your dentist may repair it if it can be salvaged or suggest replacement with a dental implant or bridge.
-If you have referred pain due to a sinus infection that is giving symptoms of a toothache, symptoms will typically subside once your sinus infection goes away.
Stop The Pain and Live Again!
At Dentalchat, we’re here to help people get the care they need for healthy lives. Feel free to ask us a question or let us help you connect with our member dentists in your area. If you’ve had tooth pain, don’t wait for it to get worse or become debilitating. Make an appointment and get it checked soon!

Finding a Local Dentist – Best way to Find Best Dentists Search Online Blog
Are you looking for a dentist? Do you have a tooth problem or tooth pain problem that needs immediate dental care at a local dentist’s office? There are hundreds of thousands of individuals who experience dental problems or need immediate dental attention – who do not have a local dental office that they have been going to. That is, there are many people that require immediate dental care and are searching for a dental office to be seen.
What to do, if a dental emergency happens – in the middle of the night and do not have a local dental office that you know to go to? Unfortunately, many people who have not been to a dental office for many months or several years, that end up with a dental emergency – have a hard time finding a local dental office to go to.
Finding a Local Dentist – Best way to Find Best Dentists Search Online Blog with us. DentalChat.com is a great resource for people to find local dentists in their time of need. Unfortunately for some, they can not find a local dentist in the location or area they are in >> in the middle of the night. These people may need to go to the Emergency Medical Hospital to get help. That is why people should be in regular dental exams with their local dental office.
Needing an immediate tooth extraction, after a dental emergency:
We have various things or dental treatments that do happen when people seek dental care during dental emergencies. Some people with tooth pain on a broken down tooth may end up having the tooth extracted. If possible, people like to save the tooth by doing root canal treatment. Sometimes, due to financial or because the tooth is not savable, the tooth is extracted.
There are options for a tooth that is extracted – such as getting dental implant treatment. Here is a link on Dental Chat about Immediate Dental Implant Treatment after tooth extraction.
We welcome local dental bloggers to contribute dental articles with us at Dentalchat. For dental companies, great time to network and partner with us.

Posting emergency dentist questions online @ Dental Chat
Many people wonder what we do @ Dental Chat? What is the story or reason why DentalChat was created? The reason behind it is quite simple. DentalChat was created to help people with their dental care questions and to make their online dental search experience better.
DentalChat was created or founded by a dentist over a decade ago – like all innovations, nothing comes easy. DentalChat has a team of dentists, online professionals, great writer’s and a team of technology professionals to make it what it is today.
Posting emergency dentist questions online about tooth pain or toothache question asking local dentists with us at Dental Chat. What kind of toothache questions online we get asked at DentalChat?
- Where can you go on DentalChat.com to post your local dentist question?
- Here is the DentalChat Post link
We welcome your local dental question – ask us about cosmetic dentistry questions online or cosmetic dental treatment options online with us. Posting emergency dentist questions online and emergency dental questions online @ Dental Chat.
What kind of Emergency Dental Questions do we get at DentalChat? Two of the most common Emergency Dental Questions online we get asked is about Wisdom Tooth Problems and Bleeding Gum Problems / Gum Surgery Questions.

Benefits of Straight Teeth – Orthodontic Treatment Blog
Many people do have some form of crowding and need some form of orthodontic treatment. There are people that naturally have straight teeth and very nicely aligned teeth. Other people, have more crowding and need orthodontics. Some of these people, would rather have straight teeth and seek out orthodontic treatment. These people who are interested in seeing an orthodontist or dentist, sometimes do not fully understand all that is involved in having straight teeth.
Braces for many younger people can be seen in many Western societies and having straight teeth is important for many parents of youngsters. Many children in middle school or high school, have their children seeking orthodontic treatment for their child. Fortunately, more options than ever exist for effective orthodontics including clear aligner systems with various online aligner companies.
Having straight teeth is for cosmetic reasons and for having better functionality. Having a nice smile is one clear benefit but there’s more to the bundle. Here are the four benefits – the 4 benefits to weigh when you’re trying to figure out what you should do with crooked teeth:
Straight teeth can be easier to chew and more functional:
Teeth work together in very specific ways. The front teeth rip and tear food, while the back teeth grind and crush it to prepare for digestion. This carefully balanced system fits together for ideal function. When teeth are rotated, tilted, or crowded, they don’t properly relate to each other, and that affects their function. But when they’re lined up, they tend to meet the opposing teeth the way nature intended.
Straighter teeth and less crowding can look better – orthodontic treatment blog:
Most people prefer having straighter teeth. While there are differences between cultures regarding appearance and desirable characteristics, a nice smile is usually preferred by most people. The natural harmony pleases the eye, and an orderly, balanced smile provides just that. By having the teeth straighter and more aligned, then it can be more attractive. Orthodontic treatment can vary from person to person. For one, a thorough dental exam, dental impressions, and proper dental x-rays should be done.
Having less crowding and straighter teeth – they can clean better and more easily:
Gingivitis and plaque go together hand in hand. Gingivitis and Bacterial plaque can quickly build upon the tooth surfaces and on teeth. This plaque sticky material can embed in little nooks and crannies, as well as the smooth surfaces of the teeth. When the teeth overlap or crowd into each other, plaque finds more ways to build up in a quick way. Once it mineralizes and forms tartar, removing it takes professional help. Straight teeth are simply easier to clean. The toothbrush passes evenly over the exposed surfaces, but there are fewer hiding places for plaque and food debris to linger.
Breath Better – Can possibly help in breathing in better:
Many research projects have been done on the benefits of straight teeth. Even if orthodontic treatment only provided cosmetic benefits, it would be worthwhile. The influence of a nice smile in business relationships and social interactions has been fairly well known over the years. A smile builds bonds by conjuring up feelings of trust, friendliness, and competence. This makes your smile one of the most powerful personal characteristics you can invest in.
Orthodontics Chat & Orthodontist Chatting Online – The key is picking or choosing the right dentist / orthodontist:
The key is to have the right or correct type of orthodontics done by the right dentist or orthodontist. As a patient, should clearly understand what kind of orthodontics and how long will the treatment plan take.
So, let’s go more in-depth about breathing-in easier. Crowded teeth can possibly cause issues in how a person breathes in and out. Ok, that may by not easy to understand why that is the case.. But crowded teeth often involve a high, vaulted roof of the mouth. This causes constriction in the nasal passages and constricted upper airways. One of the benefits of straight teeth may involve widening the roof of the mouth and opening up the airflow. Indirectly, breathing can possibly become easier through the process of orthodontic treatment or orthodontics.
Getting dental treatment – Get It Straight:
Many people need a good dental consultation with your dentist to consider the options for a better smile. This dental consultation should not only discuss the way the teeth will be straightened but various other things. This includes how long and costs involved. At Dental Chat, we can help you connect with a local dentist in your area! Find a Dentist / Best Dentist Directory Online at DentalChat.
Do you have an Emergency Dentist Question to ask Local Dentists – Post Your Dental Question here at DentalChat.com.
Orthodontics blogging or discussing searching online for best dentists, we are discussing many dental topics on DentalChat. We welcome local dentist bloggers to contribute dental blogs to us.

Dental Bone Grafting: Do I Need It?
Maybe you went to the dentist with a toothache or broken tooth and received bad news. Your tooth is cracked right through the center of it and you need to get it removed. In addition, your dentist recommends dental bone grafting at the same time. Maybe you’re not really clear if you really need it, which is why you’re here.
Losing a tooth creates a little stress for most people. They don’t grow back, and it can affect your chewing and your smile. It’s also “stressful” to your jaw bone, which is why dental bone grafting might make sense.
What Happens When A Tooth Is Removed?
It’s important to remember that removing a tooth is a minor surgical procedure. About two-thirds of a tooth sits in the bone, so we only see the top third. When it comes out, a hole is left behind.
This small wound fills in with blood, which forms a clot. Over a period of several weeks, cells from the blood and surrounding bone begin to form new bone. But the area starts out soft and hollow. That space allows the walls around the tooth to collapse inward, and the jaw shrinks in that area.
Dental Bone Graft Blogging – After tooth extraction, some people may require dental bone graft treatment. Here on DentalChat – can read a Dental Bone Graft Question Blog link. For those who have a missing tooth or may require a dental implant, good to understand what is Dental Bone Grafting Treatment?
Stopping Shrinkage
Right after the tooth is removed, your dentist may be able to preserve bone and limit the amount of jaw shrinkage that occurs. By placing bone grafting material, your body gets a headstart on healing and building bone. As a result, the bone doesn’t collapse into the hole and your jaw is preserved.
Several different types of dental bone grafting material exist. And different methods work in different situations. For example, grafting receding gums is a different procedure and uses different materials than grafting after tooth extraction.
In most cases, the best form of grafting after a tooth extraction involves using ground cadaver bone. Yes, this bone is from donors and undergoes careful sterilization and preparation for use in specific cases. The bone is sealed and labeled with specific codes for each dose and tends to work well with your own system. It provides a matrix or framework for new bone to build around
Why Preserve Bone?
Placing dental bone grafting material helps maintain the regular shape of your jaw in the area where they tooth is removed. This can be useful for several reasons:
- Solid bone increases the successful placement of a dental implant. Implants provide an exceptional way of restoring missing teeth.
- A dental bridge looks more natural when it’s placed over a grafted area.
- Proper bone heights help preserve the stability of the teeth near the missing tooth. This helps prevent root exposure, gum recession, and sensitivity.
- Smooth, thick bone may help support a removable full or partial denture better.
Dental Bone Grafting: Summing It Up
If your dentist recommends bone grafting along with a tooth extraction, you might want to give it serious consideration. Preserving more of your bone and preventing unnecessary jaw shrinkage has a number of benefits over the long run. Plus, you’ll be better prepared to choose a dental implant if you decide that’s what you really want in the future. Be sure to discuss the pros and cons of this procedure with your dentist. And if you need help finding a good dentist, chat with us at Dentalchat and we’ll help you get connected! Do you have a Dental Implant Question to ask us? Here is the link to Post Your Local Dental Implant Question.

Dental Implants Blog: Your Dental Implant Procedure Info
Not so long ago, you had very few options if you lost a tooth. Today, dental implants often give you the best opportunity to return to the normal chewing and an intact smile after tooth loss. As you consider the possibilities, a few questions usually come to mind. Of course, you realize the long-term benefits of the procedure, especially knowing that you’re going with an option that will make your life better every day for years. But you might be wondering about the near future of the process. Many patients ask the question, “What is the dental implant procedure like?”
Dental Implant Information and Dental Implants Blog: What is Dental Implants and Your Dental Implant Procedure Info online blog. Dental implants have become one of the best ways to fix a missing tooth or more in the mouth. In the last 20 years, more and more people are placing dental implants into the mouth. The dental implant is a screw-like product that is kind of screwed into the jaw bone. There is a lot of dental planning and expertise needed to have dental implants placed into the mouth.
Dental Planning Always Pays Off
Your comfort should be the most important part of every visit. We take every measure to make that central to your dental implant experience. If we need to include specialists in our plan, work with a provider who shares the same philosophy as the specialists they work with. If you prefer sedation, seek out an office that offers it. To ensure success, it’s vital that a personalized road map is created for your return to full dental function. The best practices now use digital imaging technology and other records to guide the entire process. Good planning pays dividends in life…and dentistry. Also, make sure to get a good Local Dentist Consult about what the dental treatment plan will include.
You’ll likely be surprised at the experience during the placement of a dental implant. The modern dental anesthetic numbs the area profoundly so that you don’t feel anything when dental implants are placed into the jaw, and with experienced dentists, hands start placing the implant. A mini-guide hole creates a path for a small implant cylinder to be carefully placed and slowly threaded into the site. A smooth cover is placed over the implant that remains in place during the healing period.
There are many temporization options that are possible so you can smile confidently from day one. In some cases, a temporary crown may be created and delivered that day. Since every patient’s procedure is different, your dentist will help you decide what will work best during the healing period. Within a short time, the sterile implant surface begins integrating into the bone. The healing period usually lasts from 3-6 months as the implant bonds within your jaw bone. Most patients experience very little discomfort after implant surgery, especially when compared to a tooth removal procedure.
A Perfect Finish
After 3-4 months of healing, a crown will be custom-made and attached to the implant with a small screw or dental cement. Your dentist chooses from a variety of components that allow an optimal result when completing the final stage. Customizing the process of your tooth replacement from planning to the final placement of your new tooth makes all the difference in the outcome. Choose a dentist with experience and advanced education in the exciting area of dental implant technology. That choice will ensure you experience the best of modern dentistry! Ask Dentist an Dentist Question or Post Your Dental Question with us at DentalChat.com. Ask Dentists Dental Implant Questions and more.
If you don’t have a dentist or you’re dealing with more dental questions about what to expect after tooth extraction, you’re in the right place. DentalChat provides the best platform to connect with licensed U.S.-based dentists. You can ask questions online and even connect with a nearby office that can help you with your needs. Feel free to jump on and see how we can help now or in the future!
Dental Veneers: A Brilliant New Smile
Movie star smiles float across the silver screen and help today’s biggest stars earn tens of millions. The stars know that their smile is a vital part of their appeal. And they make sure it looks top-notch. With today’s modern dental materials, veneers upgrade a smile in just a couple of visits. In some cases, veneers work like “instant orthodontics,” correcting chips, stains, and even deeply discolored teeth. The length and size of teeth can be changed, or rotated teeth can suddenly appear straight. While it sounds dramatic, the journey from one smile to another is often shorter than most people think.
Veneers create the perfect union between dental art and science, handcrafted and customized to deliver the smile of your dreams. Like a contact lens, paper-thin pieces of porcelain bond to the front surface of your natural teeth. But don’t be fooled by the thinness of this material. Many unique and durable qualities characterize modern ceramics, producing any look you want for years to come.
Veneers offer a conservative way to repair unsightly teeth, the steps required to deliver them properly require an advanced level of training and experience. When you choose a dentist you trust, you’re in the right place to end up with new confidence in your appearance.
- Ask Dental Veneers Questions Online and Dental Veneer Blogging online with us.
- Dental Chat about Dental Veneers with us and Cosmetic Dental Care Chatting Online with us.
A Smile As Unique As You Are
Careful planning and attention to the design of your smile is vital to a successful outcome with veneers. Models, photographs, and digital x-rays are incorporated by your dentist to create a perfect blueprint for your case. Like all successful projects, this planning leaves little room for error. Your dentist will listen to your input and incorporate your desires into your veneer case. Color, shape and other subtle factors play vital roles in the overall plan.
Once your case is designed, it usually only takes two appointments until you’re enjoying a terrific new smile. At the first visit, the teeth are precisely prepared in some areas to allow space for a master lab technician to sculpt artful porcelain into place. Your dentist provides all the information to the specialized lab that’s needed to create your personal masterpiece.
Your dentist also creates temporary acrylic restorations that mimic the veneers. Worn for 2-3 weeks, these temporaries provide a preview of the expected appearance of your planned smile and allow you to give more input regarding the outcome of your new smile.
The New You
After fully customized craftwork in the lab, you’ll return for an exciting appointment. Your dentist will try-in each veneer and evaluate the appearance and fit, giving you an opportunity to preview the new you. A series of precise steps adhere the veneers into place, creating an extremely powerful link between the tooth and porcelain material. Minor adjustments to your bite and a final polish will be a perfect finish to a smile that may leave you wondering why you waited so long to make a big difference in your life!
Dental Veneers Blog and Ask Dental Veneer Question Online with us at DentalChat.com. Ask Dental Veneers Questions and Cosmetic Dentistry Chat post your dental question at DentalChat.
If you don’t have a dentist or you’re dealing with more questions about what to expect after tooth extraction, you’re in the right place. DentalChat provides the best platform to connect with licensed U.S.-based dentists. You can ask questions online and even connect with a nearby office that can help you with your needs. Feel free to jump on and see how we can help now or in the future!

Dental Insurance: A Benefit Primer
If you have dental benefits, you’re fortunate to be amongst 60% of the population with outside financial support for dental care. Most plans are offered by employers as part of a benefits package, and can be helpful in making dentistry more affordable. But dental plans rarely cover everything and are designed to help share the cost of treatment with you. While it’s impossible to say exactly what your plan covers, or doesn’t, a few simple guidelines will help you ask the right questions. With hundreds of plans on the market, it’s also difficult to know the nuances of everyone. But the experts at your dental office will help you fill in as many details as possible.
Dental plans typically pay a high percentage of preventive services. These relatively low-cost services performed most commonly twice each year are simply the wisest dental commitment you can make. A small problem detected and managed early can cost 1/10 of the price tag of major repairs, even to salvage a single tooth. Insurance companies understand this, and often will gladly pay a little to save a lot.
If you need a filling for a broken or decayed tooth, insurance benefits may cover 40-80% of the cost. A larger restoration with porcelain may be covered at 40-50%, which is often a similar rate of coverage for other major services including root canals, dentures, and oral surgery. These general guidelines are just that…general. And sometimes insurance companies won’t indicate just how much they’re going to pay. So it’s wise to consider a discussion of payment prior to treatment as an estimate, based on the best information supplied by the insurance company. And remember, every plan has an annual maximum that hasn’t changed in 50 years. These dollars can significantly help you support your health, but they’re not designed to cover all the bases.
Dental benefits usually don’t cover purely cosmetic procedures such as whitening or veneers. But there may be other services related to a beautiful smile makeover that will be partially covered. If certain teeth in your smile have large restorations or old crowns, their replacement often meets the criteria for coverage. Furthermore, your dentist will incorporate artistry into every service they provide whether dental benefits are involved or not.
While your dentist works 100% for you, not the insurance company, your dentist’s team will always try to help you maximize your dental benefits. At DentalChat, we help patients find the right dental home where they feel comfortable. Let us know how we can help! We look forward to partnering with you to enhance your dental health!
Do You Need a New Denture?
Like everything we use, dentures wear out over time. But when you consider the wear and tear a denture gets working to chew your food, it’s remarkable they last as long as they do. Not many artificial materials exist in a wet, warm place with grinding forces grinding away day after day without wearing out! A properly made set of dentures can work for years before reaching their demise. Plus, they require little additional cost to maintain them over that period. But as it goes, the tough medical-grade plastic teeth wear down and can’t tear food as they used to. Or the base of the denture starts to crack, thin, and chip away. In some situations, the entire denture may break in half.
If you’re dealing with bad teeth, you may just be considering your first denture. If you’re not sure, a visit to the dentist can help you figure out your options. Whether you need a new denture or you can save your existing teeth, an exam is a good place to start. We welcome local dentists to do Partial Denture Blogging online and Dentures Chatting Online with us.
The cost of dentures worries patients when they decide it’s time for a new pair. Your dentures significantly influence your quality of life since they’re usually part of your daily experience. You’ve probably had a pair of cheap, poorly-fitted shoes. And in contrast, you’ve probably had a pair of comfortable shoes made from the best materials. While the prices were different, you ended up with what you paid for. We can all relate to that situation with many products we’ve purchased.
More Than A Product
But dentures are more than a product. In the bigger picture, they’re one part of a professional service that’s designed specifically for you. It’s important your dentist thoroughly examines your mouth before starting the steps to craft your new smile.
Sometimes unhealthy fungal infections thrive under old dentures, or gums are red and swollen. Unless these problems are examined and treated, new dentures just end up sitting on top of old problems. Your doctor checks for any signs of gum and jaw changes that need attention, a skill that requires the training of a dentist. Their background in anatomy helps them determine whether features of your mouth will affect the fit of new dentures.
Do you have Denture Question or Partial Dentures Questions with us at DentalChat.com – Ask Dentures Question here at DentalChat.
Since your dentist brings advanced training in cosmetic dentistry to the table, they apply that artistic eye to designing your new smile. For example, the color of denture teeth can be customized to your preference. And you may be surprised to learn that tooth size, shape, and alignment are part of the option package you choose. The cost of new dentures includes high-quality teeth duplicating nature, all ideally set into place for lip support and solid function. In most cases, the precisely placed teeth can be evaluated by you before the denture is processed. This gives you valuable input to the process that leads to a final denture.
New dentures may need slight adjustments since they’re made to fit closely onto your gums. Small pressure points aren’t unusual and Dr. Y is happy to fine-tune your new teeth once you’ve had a chance to use them. Short visits to make small adjustments right after you start wearing them are generally included in the cost of your overall treatment.
Nicely crafted dentures give you confidence, good function, and a smile you are pleased to display to the world. If you need help finding the best dentist to explore options for a new denture, we’re here to help you out. Try our chat function to connect with a dentist on our team!
If you don’t have a dentist or you’re dealing with more questions about what to expect after tooth extraction, you’re in the right place. DentalChat provides the best platform to connect with licensed U.S.-based dentists. You can ask questions online and even connect with a nearby office that can help you with your needs. Feel free to jump on and see how we can help now or in the future!

My Jaw Hurts: This Needs To End!
Your jaw and the muscles that make it work comprise one complex system. Jaw muscles produce powerful forces that crush and grind food to start the digestive process. When compared to other muscles in the body, these workhorses may generate the most force, ounce for ounce.
You can probably bite down and apply 175 pounds of brute force on your teeth! So, when you’re wondering “Why my jaw hurts,” this may be part of the explanation.
By each ear, the jaw joint (TMJ) joins the lower jaw to your skull with a cartilage pad and small ligaments. When you chew, yawn, or talk, these joints move in multiple directions. When everything functions as it should, pain isn’t part of the equation. TMJ Blog and TMD Blogging Online with us.
Sometimes the jaw joint experiences uncommon stress, and that’s when problems begin to develop. If you ever wake up in the morning with a sore jaw or headache, odds are your jaw hasn’t been resting as you have. Over 30 million people in the U.S. suffer from bruxism, or night-time teeth grinding. During the night, your brain can override normal bite force and generate 5 times more force than occurs during the day! This abnormal activity strains muscles from the neck to the top of the temples. It also compresses the jaw joints and can cause inflammation in the joints.
A Powerhouse System
To understand the strain on these muscles, clench your muscles.
Put your fingers on the muscle in front of the jaw and run them down to the lower jaw? Feel that bulge? Now clench and unclench as you rub the temples.
These long, skinny muscle fibers reach to the top of your head. When these major muscles, along with a bunch of small ones, undergo strain, then jaw pain begins. This discomfort radiates into many areas of the head, and there’s a big difference between the source of pain and the site of pain.
To top it off, the jaw joints can become pain centers of their own. A delicate cartilage disk cushions the lower jaw bone against the skull. Unusual forces, arthritic changes, trauma, or an uneven bite can cause the joints to become imbalanced and irritated.
Maybe you’ve had a foul knee, sore hip, or tender knuckles. The same problem can develop in the TMJ on the left, right, or both sides. Research even suggests that migraine sufferers can experience more severe TMD problems, and TMD may even intensify migraines. This double curse makes life especially miserable for chronic migraine patients.
So How Do I Stop Jaw Pain?
If you’re tormented by headaches or jaw pain, make sure you’ve had an evaluation with your dentist. A few easy tests and clinical clues provide insight to what’s making “my jaw hurt.”
While it’s a subject for another day, the possibility of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) shouldn’t be overlooked. A well-designed study in 2009 showed one in four OSA patients conjointly grind their teeth. OSA is a serious sleep disorder that’s responsible for a long list of health problems. The title of this article at NCBI.nlm – Prevalence of temporomandibular disorders in obstructive sleep apnea patients referred for oral appliance therapy.
In fact, 90% of people who die in their sleep have untreated OSA!
Bruxism could be the first clue that you’re stressing your body and a sleep study is in order. Jaw Pain Blogging online with us at DentalChat.
Sometimes it takes time to schedule a sleep study. A simple, inexpensive nightguard appliance can serve as a temporary measure to protect your jaw, teeth, and relieve some of the jaw pain or headaches. You may decide to ultimately invest in a custom nightguard, made just for you. There’s also a chance that treating a sleep disorder may take care of your pain while protecting your general health. Jaw Pain Question ask dentists or Dental Pain Chat at DentalChat. Post your Jaw Pain Question here.
Bottom Line to “Why My Jaw Hurts!”
Jaw pain or headaches seriously have an effect on your ability to enjoy life. In some cases, they may indicate a serious health disorder like sleep apnea. A game plan could include:
- Make an appointment with your dentist to discuss your concerns, and consider a sleep study with a certified sleep center.
- Order a temporary nightguard immediately to generate short-term relief. Here’s a simple one that will work for most people.
- If you’re having pain, try applying ice to the joint and muscles on the side of your face in front of the ears. Move the ice to your temples. If you find the pain temporarily drops by half or more, you’re probably dealing with TMD. If you still have pain, there are many other types of TMD that could be causing discomfort and you should follow-up with your dentist.
DentalChat provides a real-time connection between patients and licensed dentists. Need an answer to a question? Start chatting now. Need to find a dentist you’re comfortable with? Let us help you.