Dental Insurance plans discussion online
We are at Dental Chat looking to discuss many dental topics – This article will be — Dental Insurance Plans Discussion Online, with us continuing this discussion in future blogs and articles on here @ DentalChat. We do appreciate our readers feedback and dental suggestions.
It is estimated that more than 70 million people in the US do not have dental insurance. Unlike medical insurance, which many more people have – Dental Insurance is not a high priority for many people. Most people have dental insurance through their job or place of employment – though, many times, the actual dental coverage is somewhat little – with many people having to pay out of pocket a large portion of various dental services.
Most dental insurance plans cover for the most part dental exam and prophy (dental cleaning) once every 6 months. This falls under preventive dental care. For crowns and dental implants, each person needs to check carefully what, if any of the cost will be covered.
- Dental Insurance Benefits Blog:
Many people get their dental insurance from the company that they work at. These companies sometimes offer various types of dental insurance policies to choose from. Good to check to see the differing Dental Benefits each dental insurance offers.
For one, dental crowns – are by many dental insurance plans only covered for 50% of the cost — with the other 50% being paid by the patient. This can vary greatly from plan to plan – even with the same dental insurance company. Hence, each person will need to check with their dental insurance to make sure. Dental implants are usually Not covered by many dental insurance companies – again, will need to check. Dental Insurances Chat online with us, discuss dental hygiene, dental services discussion and more at DentalChat. Many people have a dental question can ask us on here – we are looking to provide dental information that we expect each person to do their own due diligence & even more research on.
- Dental Insurance Plan Blog:
We discussed dental insurance plans and did dental insurance chatting online with us. We will be discussing this further in future dental blogs & dental articles here at DentalChat.com. Can be asking us Dental Questions here and more. Our goal is to better inform people about various dental care topics.

Online Dental Insurance Info Discussion, Local Dentist Chat
- Online Dental Insurance Info Discussion:
- Local Dentist Chat:
- Emergency Dental Care Chatting Online:
- Online Dental Chat:
- DentalChat:
Dentists have an interesting relationship with dental insurance companies – with some dental insurance companies better than others. Less than half the people in the US, have private dental insurance – since many small business owners usually decide on just having medical insurance – and passing on dental insurance. Also, many 1099 contractors and those whom work part-time, usually do Not have dental insurance. Dental insurance coverage with the government varies state by state. Many times few dentists are part of the state dental insurance coverage program – Why? The reason many dentists decline being part of the state dental insurance coverage plan – is that the pay per dental procedure can be very low …. sometimes the dental pay by the state to the dentist / dental office can be less than 70% of a regular fee.
There are various other forms of dental insurance coverage that have come into the public space now – for individuals and families. Also, there are more companies providing dental insurance packages, as an incentive to attract good employees.
We are discussing and having a Dental Insurance Information Discussion @ DentalChat.com. We also will be discussing various other dental issues and topics at DentalChat. We are @ DENTAL CHAT looking for great dentists and dental professionals – to add their content on here. We discuss many dental topics and not just doing dental insurance chatting – from dental implants to cosmetic dentistry on here. Here is the link to one of them.
We will be discussing Dental Insurance in more depth in future DentalChat articles and blogs.
Great time to network online with us. Online Dental Insurance Info Discussion, Local Dentist Chat, Online Dental Chat about dentistry and Emergency Dental Care Chatting Online, Dental Insurance Chat online at DentalChat. We are networking with local dentists and dental companies.

Oral Bony Growth Chat- Discussing Online Mandibular Torus
- Oral Bony Growth Chat- Discussing Online Mandibular Torus:
We @ DentalChat like to discuss many dental topics. In this Dental Blog – We will be discussion Mandibular Tori and Oral Bony Growth Chat Online. Discussing Online Mandibular Torus formation and what to do if have them. Mandibular tori because it is excess bone, will notice that it is bumpy and somewhat firm — your dentist will let you know what it is, if have any questions.
One thing is to have common sense – if notice some growth and dont know what it is? Then, can go visit a dentist or oral surgeon and get it examined.
Mandibular Tori Chatting:
Many people do not realize they have mandibular torus in mouth, until being told by a dentist or hygienist that the bone growth is unusual. When people see or realize they have Mandibular Tori or Mandibular Torus in their mouth, they can be somewhat concerned. What is Mandibular Tori or Torus? Tori is a another way or word for bone growth that is usually in the lower jaw, which is is usually non-malignant. This bone growth can be uncomfortable, though many times it is not. Usually your dentist will keep watch of it and most likely leave it alone.
Sometimes, people with Mandibular Tori or Torus may have some pain – usually because injure the area or scrape it, etc. – best then is to keep it clean and maybe get fluoride rinses and can always see a dentist to see what is the cause of the pain.

Online Sleep Apnea Chat, Online Snoring Blog
Online Sleep Apnea Chat, Online Snoring Blog
- Sleep Apnea Discussion:
- Dental Chat Online about Sleeping Topics:
Sleep Apnea Discussion / Sleep Apnea Chat online at Dental Chat: Many people snore or have Sleep Apnea – in the US the numbers are quite high. Sleep disorders, including sleep apnea, have become a significant health issue in the United States. Though the numbers vary – the approximate numbers are around 22 million Americans in the US suffer from a type of Sleep Apnea. Of these, the moderate and severe form is estimated to be around 80 percent – in most cases, the severe obstructive sleep apnea is un-diagnosed, which can be not good for a person’s health.
The interesting thing is that – a large portion of people with Sleep Apnea, do NOT know they have it.
Online Snoring Blog: More men than women snore at night while sleeping – with the numbers being approximately 40 percent of men and about 20 percent of women snore. People who are obese as adults, generally are prone to Snoring at night while sleeping. Sleeping Disorders includes not only Sleep Apnea and Snoring – but also Sleep deprivation, better known as Insomnia.
TeleDentistry Chat Online – Tele-Dentistry Blogging:
One area that will be helping in sleep apnea potentially more and more is TeleDentistry. Now, with modern tele-medicine technology in dentistry – we will be able to better monitor how people sleep.
Sleep Apnea Devices Discussion – CPAP Blog: A CPAP is commonly used – Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy is a common type of treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. A CPAP machine uses a hose and mask or nose piece that is looking to deliver constant and steady air pressure. There are several common problems with CPAP include trouble being able to sleep with it and a leaky mask. Sleep Apnea & snoring has been going on forever, though now there are ways of better dealing with it.
Local Dental Chat online with us about various dental topics. We will be discussing Insomnia more in-depth in upcoming blogs and articles – here @ DentalChat. We are looking to make people better informed about various dental care issues. DentalChat.com was founded by a dentist, that is keen on helping people get better dental care. Dental care is advancing with new tech, and we will be leading in that space. Can visit us on the home page of dentalchat.com with this link.

Good Dental Oral Hygiene and Common Dental Problems
By having good oral hygiene, can help reduce the chances of many dental problems – such as dental gum disease. We will be Dental Blogging online about common dental problems and the importance of good dental oral hygiene.
- Good Dental Oral Hygiene Blog and Common Dental Problems:
We are at DentalChat looking to add content and articles that deals with various dental issues. What are good dental oral hygiene practices for individuals? Tooth Brushing twice a day and flossing once a day – are good dental practices. Good oral hygiene includes going regularly to the dentist for cleanings / Dental Prophy and dental exam. Oral hygiene discussion is important from a young age, so they do not develop caries and gum problems.
One of the most common dental problems many adults face is various forms of gum problems. Gum problems has different stages. In the earlier stages, it is called gingivitis, while in later stages – it is called periodontitis. Periodontitis can lead to severe bone loss in the jaw, which can lead to tooth loss or teeth loss. Getting regular dental prophy, usually twice a year – at your local dental office. Many younger adults also deal with cavities, which if smaller in size – can be usually treated at your dental office with a composite filling. If leave a cavity for longer periods, that can possibly lead to needing a root canal.
- Tooth Abscess Blog and Root Canal Chatting:
If do allow a tooth cavity to spread, it may end up having a tooth abscess. In order to save the tooth, a root canal procedure may be necessary. Here is a Dental Root Canal Chat article on DentalChat – here is the link
Free Teledentistry with us – we are helping people that have dental questions. Here is the link to post dental question
We welcome dental bloggers to add or contribute articles with us.

All On 4 Dental Implants Chatting, Online Dental Implant Procedure Chat
All On 4 Dental Implants Chatting:
- DentalChat:
- Dental Implant Blog:
- Online Dental Implant Procedure Chat:
We are at DentalChat are looking to network with local dentists & dental implant specialists. All On 4 Dental Implants Chatting, Local Dental Implant Companies Discussion, Local Dental Chatting about various dental care issues, Online Dental Implant Procedure Chat and Online Dentist Discussion with us at DentalChat.com We will be doing more than just Dental Implant Blog @ DentalChat – we want to discuss all dentistry topics on here & are looking for the Best Dentists Bloggers to contribute with us.
We will be discussing more details about getting a dental implant and will be discussing in a future Dental Blog – discussing more in detail Dental Bone Grafting. Once have a tooth extracted, the area missing the tooth – has bone resorption.
What is All On 4 Dental Implants / All-On-4 Dental Implant Procedure Discussion: The term All-on-4 refers to the All the denture teeth (fake teeth) / Denture being supported on four dental implants – This is a surgical and dental technique for total rehabilitation of the mouth of the patient who is going to be extracting all their teeth or already fully Edentulous patient(s) / has already had all their teeth extracted. Dental Implants Chat about Dental Bone Grafting, Dental Chat online about best dental implant techniques and Online Dental Implant Chat about the Best Dental Implants available to consumers – or patients who have missing tooth or have missing teeth. The companies producing Dental Implants on a global scale has risen quite a bit in the last ten years – with some consolidation taking place. Dentist Chat online about Dental Implants and more with us. We will discuss this further and the Best Dental Implant Companies.
Many people with decayed teeth, that have bad gum disease and broken down teeth can consider this procedure. There are many people globally who have removed / extracted all their teeth or about to – and are looking at getting denture(s). With Dental Implants, as a support system for the denture, it allows people to better be able to chew. There are other benefits as well.
We are looking to network with online digital media companies — specially those in the dental space. Online Dental Chat with us – we are looking to have the ultimate dental platform. We are networking with online content companies.

Top 4 Ways in which Technology will Decentralise Healthcare
We are looking to discuss various topics on here. This will be about tele-medicine and health care. For a long while, the approach to health care has been ‘why fix it, if it’s not broke?’ We will analyze this further in this health care article.
This take on health care is somewhat flawed, to start with. With increasing health care costs, people are realizing that it doesn’t work towards ensuring good health, rather interjects when diseases begin to affect us. In a way, this infringes on our right to health – a human right protected by Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The fact is, most of us want very good health care. Most of us rather get the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health care available. How can we do this for all? Since this would translate to equal access to hospitals, clinics, medicines and doctors’ services by all – whenever we may need health care services.
However, in real life, healthcare is being subsidized and there is not an infinite amount of money governments can pay for health care. Basically, the reason for unequal health services is the cost – how much it can cost. That is not the only reason though. Lack of information closely follows it. For both these roadblocks in the equitable distribution of health- online digital technology acts as a disrupting force
A classic example of this is how telemedicine has helped bridge the gap between ‘healthcare haves’ and ‘healthcare have-nots’. Likewise, many online platforms have sprung up and brought transparency and quality healthcare to the patient at the flick of a finger.
Here are some other ways on how technology will change the face of healthcare in the years to come:
- Easy access to quality information: the pros and cons
With the explosion of online information, if you are like most patients, you are going search the Internet when you feel unwell. However, this should be taken with a pinch of salt, because sometimes the result could be a sheer disaster. How?
Let’s explain.
You are trapped in your information bubble and are labelled in a particular manner. The current incarnation of this targeting mechanism includes what are called suggestions that purportedly save your keystrokes. If you type in a couple of letters, the search engine attempts to complete your search string from its massive database of possible requests. These suggestions are based on somebody else’s software and what you’ve Googled in the past.
So, the results that are thrown up when you type letters are an outcome of your search profile and are unbeknownst to you. For instance, if you type the word egg, you might see recipes whereas your colleague might see warnings.
A simple headache might be labelled as a rare brain tumor!
So, whenever possible, consult a doctor. And, if you can’t visit one, technology can bring one to your home. 24/7 – there are now tele-medicine platforms available to help people now. (note this article was edited by DentalChat as well)
- Blockchain can transform Electronic Health Records management
Currently healthcare stakeholders such as hospitals, insurance companies, labs and pharmacies are managing data at their own end. So for one patient there may be four sets of data using a different workflow. Reconciling the data is a big question, because it is not always clear who recorded what and when.
Enter blockchain. With its entry the situation will be something like this:
Every stakeholder in your healthcare management will send their information (medications, health concerns, allergy lists) to an open source community-wide trusted ledger so that additions and subtractions to the medical record become understandable. How easy it would be to reconcile all this information for anyone and from anywhere!
- Hand-holding a patient to choose the right hospital
References have been the norm in the healthcare delivery. And this has led to an unholy nexus between the super-specialty hospitals and their feeders (tertiary-care hospitals in the far-flung areas). The whole business thrives on the expense of the patient who is headed to the big city hospital by the local setup.
The technology effectively interjects in this unhealthy practice because it brings in transparency. Since information is available for all at the flick of a finger, the patient can compare the cost of a surgery at different hospitals and evaluate the expertise of the surgeon who will be performing it through an unbiased rating mechanism.
All this information allows the patient to make the right decision.
- Connecting far flung areas with telemedicine and teledentistry
TeleDentistry Blog, TeleDentist Blogging Online, TeleDentistry Chatting and Online Tele Dentistry Discussion with us.
Telemedicine aims to deliver health care to patients in rural areas by linking them with super-specialists via remote patient monitoring systems. With DentalChat – there is now TeleDentistry available.
Author: Dr. Aditi Gupta Jha
This article has been edited by DentalChat