Benefits of Straight Teeth – Orthodontic Treatment Blog
Many people do have some form of crowding and need some form of orthodontic treatment. There are people that naturally have straight teeth and very nicely aligned teeth. Other people, have more crowding and need orthodontics. Some of these people, would rather have straight teeth and seek out orthodontic treatment. These people who are interested in seeing an orthodontist or dentist, sometimes do not fully understand all that is involved in having straight teeth.
Braces for many younger people can be seen in many Western societies and having straight teeth is important for many parents of youngsters. Many children in middle school or high school, have their children seeking orthodontic treatment for their child. Fortunately, more options than ever exist for effective orthodontics including clear aligner systems with various online aligner companies.
Having straight teeth is for cosmetic reasons and for having better functionality. Having a nice smile is one clear benefit but there’s more to the bundle. Here are the four benefits – the 4 benefits to weigh when you’re trying to figure out what you should do with crooked teeth:
Straight teeth can be easier to chew and more functional:
Teeth work together in very specific ways. The front teeth rip and tear food, while the back teeth grind and crush it to prepare for digestion. This carefully balanced system fits together for ideal function. When teeth are rotated, tilted, or crowded, they don’t properly relate to each other, and that affects their function. But when they’re lined up, they tend to meet the opposing teeth the way nature intended.
Straighter teeth and less crowding can look better – orthodontic treatment blog:
Most people prefer having straighter teeth. While there are differences between cultures regarding appearance and desirable characteristics, a nice smile is usually preferred by most people. The natural harmony pleases the eye, and an orderly, balanced smile provides just that. By having the teeth straighter and more aligned, then it can be more attractive. Orthodontic treatment can vary from person to person. For one, a thorough dental exam, dental impressions, and proper dental x-rays should be done.
Having less crowding and straighter teeth – they can clean better and more easily:
Gingivitis and plaque go together hand in hand. Gingivitis and Bacterial plaque can quickly build upon the tooth surfaces and on teeth. This plaque sticky material can embed in little nooks and crannies, as well as the smooth surfaces of the teeth. When the teeth overlap or crowd into each other, plaque finds more ways to build up in a quick way. Once it mineralizes and forms tartar, removing it takes professional help. Straight teeth are simply easier to clean. The toothbrush passes evenly over the exposed surfaces, but there are fewer hiding places for plaque and food debris to linger.
Breath Better – Can possibly help in breathing in better:
Many research projects have been done on the benefits of straight teeth. Even if orthodontic treatment only provided cosmetic benefits, it would be worthwhile. The influence of a nice smile in business relationships and social interactions has been fairly well known over the years. A smile builds bonds by conjuring up feelings of trust, friendliness, and competence. This makes your smile one of the most powerful personal characteristics you can invest in.
Orthodontics Chat & Orthodontist Chatting Online – The key is picking or choosing the right dentist / orthodontist:
The key is to have the right or correct type of orthodontics done by the right dentist or orthodontist. As a patient, should clearly understand what kind of orthodontics and how long will the treatment plan take.
So, let’s go more in-depth about breathing-in easier. Crowded teeth can possibly cause issues in how a person breathes in and out. Ok, that may by not easy to understand why that is the case.. But crowded teeth often involve a high, vaulted roof of the mouth. This causes constriction in the nasal passages and constricted upper airways. One of the benefits of straight teeth may involve widening the roof of the mouth and opening up the airflow. Indirectly, breathing can possibly become easier through the process of orthodontic treatment or orthodontics.
Getting dental treatment – Get It Straight:
Many people need a good dental consultation with your dentist to consider the options for a better smile. This dental consultation should not only discuss the way the teeth will be straightened but various other things. This includes how long and costs involved. At Dental Chat, we can help you connect with a local dentist in your area! Find a Dentist / Best Dentist Directory Online at DentalChat.
Do you have an Emergency Dentist Question to ask Local Dentists – Post Your Dental Question here at DentalChat.com.
Orthodontics blogging or discussing searching online for best dentists, we are discussing many dental topics on DentalChat. We welcome local dentist bloggers to contribute dental blogs to us.

My Jaw Hurts: This Needs To End!
Your jaw and the muscles that make it work comprise one complex system. Jaw muscles produce powerful forces that crush and grind food to start the digestive process. When compared to other muscles in the body, these workhorses may generate the most force, ounce for ounce.
You can probably bite down and apply 175 pounds of brute force on your teeth! So, when you’re wondering “Why my jaw hurts,” this may be part of the explanation.
By each ear, the jaw joint (TMJ) joins the lower jaw to your skull with a cartilage pad and small ligaments. When you chew, yawn, or talk, these joints move in multiple directions. When everything functions as it should, pain isn’t part of the equation. TMJ Blog and TMD Blogging Online with us.
Sometimes the jaw joint experiences uncommon stress, and that’s when problems begin to develop. If you ever wake up in the morning with a sore jaw or headache, odds are your jaw hasn’t been resting as you have. Over 30 million people in the U.S. suffer from bruxism, or night-time teeth grinding. During the night, your brain can override normal bite force and generate 5 times more force than occurs during the day! This abnormal activity strains muscles from the neck to the top of the temples. It also compresses the jaw joints and can cause inflammation in the joints.
A Powerhouse System
To understand the strain on these muscles, clench your muscles.
Put your fingers on the muscle in front of the jaw and run them down to the lower jaw? Feel that bulge? Now clench and unclench as you rub the temples.
These long, skinny muscle fibers reach to the top of your head. When these major muscles, along with a bunch of small ones, undergo strain, then jaw pain begins. This discomfort radiates into many areas of the head, and there’s a big difference between the source of pain and the site of pain.
To top it off, the jaw joints can become pain centers of their own. A delicate cartilage disk cushions the lower jaw bone against the skull. Unusual forces, arthritic changes, trauma, or an uneven bite can cause the joints to become imbalanced and irritated.
Maybe you’ve had a foul knee, sore hip, or tender knuckles. The same problem can develop in the TMJ on the left, right, or both sides. Research even suggests that migraine sufferers can experience more severe TMD problems, and TMD may even intensify migraines. This double curse makes life especially miserable for chronic migraine patients.
So How Do I Stop Jaw Pain?
If you’re tormented by headaches or jaw pain, make sure you’ve had an evaluation with your dentist. A few easy tests and clinical clues provide insight to what’s making “my jaw hurt.”
While it’s a subject for another day, the possibility of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) shouldn’t be overlooked. A well-designed study in 2009 showed one in four OSA patients conjointly grind their teeth. OSA is a serious sleep disorder that’s responsible for a long list of health problems. The title of this article at NCBI.nlm – Prevalence of temporomandibular disorders in obstructive sleep apnea patients referred for oral appliance therapy.
In fact, 90% of people who die in their sleep have untreated OSA!
Bruxism could be the first clue that you’re stressing your body and a sleep study is in order. Jaw Pain Blogging online with us at DentalChat.
Sometimes it takes time to schedule a sleep study. A simple, inexpensive nightguard appliance can serve as a temporary measure to protect your jaw, teeth, and relieve some of the jaw pain or headaches. You may decide to ultimately invest in a custom nightguard, made just for you. There’s also a chance that treating a sleep disorder may take care of your pain while protecting your general health. Jaw Pain Question ask dentists or Dental Pain Chat at DentalChat. Post your Jaw Pain Question here.
Bottom Line to “Why My Jaw Hurts!”
Jaw pain or headaches seriously have an effect on your ability to enjoy life. In some cases, they may indicate a serious health disorder like sleep apnea. A game plan could include:
- Make an appointment with your dentist to discuss your concerns, and consider a sleep study with a certified sleep center.
- Order a temporary nightguard immediately to generate short-term relief. Here’s a simple one that will work for most people.
- If you’re having pain, try applying ice to the joint and muscles on the side of your face in front of the ears. Move the ice to your temples. If you find the pain temporarily drops by half or more, you’re probably dealing with TMD. If you still have pain, there are many other types of TMD that could be causing discomfort and you should follow-up with your dentist.
DentalChat provides a real-time connection between patients and licensed dentists. Need an answer to a question? Start chatting now. Need to find a dentist you’re comfortable with? Let us help you.

Online Sleep Apnea Chat, Online Snoring Blog
Online Sleep Apnea Chat, Online Snoring Blog
- Sleep Apnea Discussion:
- Dental Chat Online about Sleeping Topics:
Sleep Apnea Discussion / Sleep Apnea Chat online at Dental Chat: Many people snore or have Sleep Apnea – in the US the numbers are quite high. Sleep disorders, including sleep apnea, have become a significant health issue in the United States. Though the numbers vary – the approximate numbers are around 22 million Americans in the US suffer from a type of Sleep Apnea. Of these, the moderate and severe form is estimated to be around 80 percent – in most cases, the severe obstructive sleep apnea is un-diagnosed, which can be not good for a person’s health.
The interesting thing is that – a large portion of people with Sleep Apnea, do NOT know they have it.
Online Snoring Blog: More men than women snore at night while sleeping – with the numbers being approximately 40 percent of men and about 20 percent of women snore. People who are obese as adults, generally are prone to Snoring at night while sleeping. Sleeping Disorders includes not only Sleep Apnea and Snoring – but also Sleep deprivation, better known as Insomnia.
TeleDentistry Chat Online – Tele-Dentistry Blogging:
One area that will be helping in sleep apnea potentially more and more is TeleDentistry. Now, with modern tele-medicine technology in dentistry – we will be able to better monitor how people sleep.
Sleep Apnea Devices Discussion – CPAP Blog: A CPAP is commonly used – Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy is a common type of treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. A CPAP machine uses a hose and mask or nose piece that is looking to deliver constant and steady air pressure. There are several common problems with CPAP include trouble being able to sleep with it and a leaky mask. Sleep Apnea & snoring has been going on forever, though now there are ways of better dealing with it.
Local Dental Chat online with us about various dental topics. We will be discussing Insomnia more in-depth in upcoming blogs and articles – here @ DentalChat. We are looking to make people better informed about various dental care issues. DentalChat.com was founded by a dentist, that is keen on helping people get better dental care. Dental care is advancing with new tech, and we will be leading in that space. Can visit us on the home page of dentalchat.com with this link.

Dental Hygiene Chat, Local Emergency Dentists Chatting
- Dental Hygiene Chat, Local Emergency Dentists Chatting:
One of the most important things people can do that can help with a person’s overall health – is good oral hygiene. We do Good Dental Hygiene Chat, Local Emergency Dentists Chatting & Online Dental Care problems discussion with us @ DentalChat.com.
What is good Oral Hygiene or good ways of taking care of your teeth? That includes not only doing good tooth brushing, flossing on a daily basis – but also includes going regularly to the dental office. It is recommended by the ADA – American Dental Association to get a prophy or dental cleaning at your local dental office at least once every 6 months. Some people with periodontal problems, may go once every 3 months – This depends on your dentist treatment plan & individual dental situation.
What is a prophy? A prophy is short for prophylaxis treatment done either by a dentist or a professional hygienist. A prophy is done to remove dental plaque, before it becomes calcified. Most people with dental insurance, have some form of regular dental prophy coverage.
Online Dental Emergency Discussion / Dental Problem Blog / Dental Hygiene Chat online: We will be discussing many topics on DentalChat. Common dental emergencies includes many things – that can lead some people to the ER in the middle of the night – if they can not find a dentist. Dentists and oral surgeons can help with most dental emergencies – of course, each dentist and dentist / oral surgeon specialist has different amount of training and experience. Can read more Emergency Dentist Chat online at DentalChat.com – here is a link to another article.
Having a Dental Emergency happens to many people, with over two million people ending up in the emergency room here in the US because of dental problems. Some common dental problems that can need immediate emergency dentist attention – is things like a dental abscess. A Dental Abscess should get dental attention as soon as possible. Another common dental problem that can end up needing dental emergency treatment, is dental problems with wisdom teeth.

Good Dental Oral Hygiene and Common Dental Problems
By having good oral hygiene, can help reduce the chances of many dental problems – such as dental gum disease. We will be Dental Blogging online about common dental problems and the importance of good dental oral hygiene.
- Good Dental Oral Hygiene Blog and Common Dental Problems:
We are at DentalChat looking to add content and articles that deals with various dental issues. What are good dental oral hygiene practices for individuals? Tooth Brushing twice a day and flossing once a day – are good dental practices. Good oral hygiene includes going regularly to the dentist for cleanings / Dental Prophy and dental exam. Oral hygiene discussion is important from a young age, so they do not develop caries and gum problems.
One of the most common dental problems many adults face is various forms of gum problems. Gum problems has different stages. In the earlier stages, it is called gingivitis, while in later stages – it is called periodontitis. Periodontitis can lead to severe bone loss in the jaw, which can lead to tooth loss or teeth loss. Getting regular dental prophy, usually twice a year – at your local dental office. Many younger adults also deal with cavities, which if smaller in size – can be usually treated at your dental office with a composite filling. If leave a cavity for longer periods, that can possibly lead to needing a root canal.
- Tooth Abscess Blog and Root Canal Chatting:
If do allow a tooth cavity to spread, it may end up having a tooth abscess. In order to save the tooth, a root canal procedure may be necessary. Here is a Dental Root Canal Chat article on DentalChat – here is the link
Free Teledentistry with us – we are helping people that have dental questions. Here is the link to post dental question
We welcome dental bloggers to add or contribute articles with us.

Amazing new technology for Dental Implants used by Local Dentists
- Amazing new technology for Dental Implants used by Local Dentists:
Dentistry is rapidly advancing. The amazing new technology for Dental Implants used by Local Dentists & Dental Offices now – is making dentistry much better than ever before. Dentists are understanding more and more, the best way of having high success with dental implants in patients mouth. A dental implant is placed where teeth are missing. How the Dental Implants Placement is done or the technique used by the dental specialist is very important.
One of the keys is the way people take care of their mouth after getting dental implants. Using proper oral hygiene and getting regular dental prophy treatment at dental offices, is important in maintaining your dental implant for longer period of time.
Dentistry and dentists practicing dentistry has advanced quite a bit in the last 30 years. For most of the last 50 years prior to that, amalgam silver fillings were used for filling tooth decay. Now, it is more composite materials.