Difference between Fully Impacted Wisdom Teeth and a Partially Impacted Wisdom Tooth
- Difference between Fully Impacted Wisdom Teeth and a Partially Impacted Wisdom Tooth:
- Local Emergency Dentists Discussion:
Many people have experienced dental pain with their wisdom teeth or what is referred to by dentists as, third molars. As we continue to grow and innovate, we at DentalChat want to discuss many different dental subjects. Local Emergency Dental Chat Online, Local Emergency Dentists Discussion, and Cosmetic Dentist Chat online with us @ DentalChat.com.
Difference between Fully Impacted Wisdom Teeth and a Partially Impacted Wisdom Tooth – 3rd Molars are commonly referred to as Wisdom Teeth & generally start to erupt or usually start to grow in during the teenager years / though this can vary. Molar teeth are the back teeth, that most people use for chewing their teeth.
Wisdom Teeth or a Wisdom Tooth, sometimes does not have room or space to grow in – also many times or instances, the wisdom teeth grow in at a angle – differently than your regular teeth. Hence, it becomes impacted to a variety of degrees. Dentists refer to these varying degrees of eruption or tooth exposure, as fully impacted wisdom teeth or partially impacted wisdom teeth.
The key is, how much the 3rd molar or 3rd molars (wisdom teeth) are erupted out of the gums – If only a small portion of the tooth is exposed and the majority of the tooth is not seen and under the gums, that is a partially impacted wisdom tooth. On the other hand, if the wisdom tooth or 3rd molar is not visible upon dental exam by the dentist and can only be seen via a dental xray – it is fully under the gums, then it is referred to as a fully impacted third molar / wisdom tooth.
There are other dental details as well, but this should provide at least some idea of what the dentists is thinking when looking at your wisdom tooth. We want to discuss other issues with wisdom teeth and issues / problems that can arise from wisdom teeth.
We are at DentalChat.com looking for dental experts who want to add dental information and add their dental article on here – to better educate our readers on dental care.

Gum Disease Chat – Crown Lengthening Procedure Discussion
Gum Disease Chat and more – here with us @ DentalChat.com. Gum disease comes in various degrees, with peridontitus being one of the worst type or severe form of gum disease. We are looking for more dental content on here, to help our users gain more dental information.
DentalChat.com was founded by a dentist and an IT health care technology professional – looking to bring something fresh and innovate into the dental space. Great time to market online with us.
Local Emergency Dental Chatting Online & Local Emergency Dentists Chat online with us – We are looking to discuss various dental subjects involving dental care. For this blog, want to discuss crown lengthening procedure.
Why is a Crown Lengthening procedure done – for one, there caries, tooth malformation, attrition, excessive tooth reduction, erosion, genetic variations and many times because of tooth fracture below the gum line. So, if a dentist wants to place a crown, and a lot of the tooth is broken or not visible easily because it is broken around the gum line. The dentist will remove part of the gum to show more of the tooth, so a good crown impression can be done – so, the crown will be placed on the tooth easily and with a good fit.
Crown Lengthening is done by dentists when more area is needed for placement of a dental crown. Now a days, with advance dental technology – lasers are sometimes used to do this procedure as well.
Online Dental Care Chatting, Online Dentists Chat communication features, Local Dentist Chat Online Marketing, Online Dental Chat business listing and Local Dental Chat Networking Online with us at DentalChat. We are looking to network with local dental blogs and dental information companies.

Older Population / Elderly are keeping and maintaining Their Teeth Longer with better Dental Care
- Older Population / Elderly are keeping and maintaining Their Teeth Longer with better Dental Care:
Dentistry is on the cutting edge of new technology to help patients keep and maintain their teeth longer. In the coming years, as more tech innovation is happening in the dental field – dental care is improving for many to be able to keep their teeth longer. Older Population / Elderly are keeping and maintaining Their Teeth Longer with better Dental Care. 50 years ago, the dental technology available was sparse at best. Now, with dental implants and advanced periodontal treatments available, more and more people in their 60’s, 70’s and 80’s are maintaining their teeth.
Online Dental Marketing, Local Dentist Discussion, Local Dentists Chatting Online, Local Emergency Dental Chat Online and Local Dental Blogging Online with us .We are at DentalChat.com are networking with local dentists and dental businesses. DentalChat.com wants to discuss various dental topics and dental issues online. Our dentalchat users can share with us what they want us to discuss here. Dental bloggers, social media groups or dentists can share articles with us. We want to bring value for our users on here. We appreciate all the content people have been sharing with us.
Dental Care for the elderly – this can include periodontal treatment including root planing, gum graft surgery, dental implant placement and dental pocket reduction periodontal procedures. Now dental laser treatment is also helping a lot in this process. As people are living longer, they are expecting to maintain their teeth longer. Now for instance, even those who end up with dentures, can have dental implants placed in them.

Tarter, Plaque and Calculus in the Mouth – Regular Dental Prophy Chat
- Tarter, Plaque and Calculus in the Mouth – Regular Dental Prophy Chat:
Tarter, plaque and calculus in the mouth – terms that are used by your dentist or hygienist to describe what is happening around your teeth when food and plaque that hardens over a period of time for lack of proper flossing and brushing and/or of not getting your regular twice yearly dental exam and dental prophy (dental cleaning).
If plaque is not removed regularly, and completely, minerals in your saliva combine with plaque to form crystals that harden into tartar. If do not get regular dental office cleanings, calculus can build up around your teeth – calcified plaque that can be removed by your dentist or the dental office staff (hygienist) who does the dental prophy in the office.
Removing calculus around teeth is very important – it can cause gingivitis / gum diseases, bad breath and also it can cause mobility of your teeth. People with heavy dental calculus build up around their teeth – when they get it removed, feel sometimes as though their teeth are loose. The calculus can sometimes build a wall that grows worse over time. Hence, getting the recommended twice regular dental prophy can help with this. For some people, they may need more than twice a year prophy at their dental office. Also, some people may need scaling and root planing if calculus build has happened & is happening below the gum line. Bottom line, if feel that can not floss because there is material between your teeth – and you have not gone to a dentist for a while …. it is a good idea to get dental exam and dental cleaning (prophy). This will help not only your oral health, but can help with your overall help.
When in doubt, can to go to your dentist to examine and check out – can call your dentist / dental office.
We will continuously be looking to add more topics and articles on here. We are focused on bringing interesting dental information that would be useful to our readers on here. Local Dentists Discussion and Dental Marketing Discussion with us at DentalChat. Local Dentists Chat Online , Local Emergency Dental Chat Online and Local Dental Blogging Online with us – DentalChat.com is looking to discuss various dental care symptoms & dental problems people may have. We want our DentalChat viewers to share with us what they want us to seen discussed on here. We are greatly interested in dental innovation and new dental treatments. Great time for Dental bloggers or dentists to share articles with us. We welcome partnering with various dental software companies.

Oral Mouth Ulcer Blog / Mouth Ulcers Blogging – Mouth Sore Discussion
- Oral Mouth Ulcers Blog / Mouth Ulcer Blogging – Mouth Sore Blogging – Mouth Sore Discussion:
What is a Oral Mouth Ulcer and why do people get Mouth Ulcers? A Mouth Sore that is Not caused by a traumatic injury is usually a Aphthous ulcer or canker sore — which is commonly termed as a mouth sore or a mouth ulcer. Canker sore / Mouth ulcer usually happens inside the mouth – a cold sore is usually outside the mouth and can be from herpes & more contagious.
The canker sore / mouth sore is usually in your mouth – they look round, white or gray, with a red edge border – they can be painful. Usually if leave alone, it tends to heal by itself within one to two weeks. Going to a dentist is best way of having a better idea of what is happening – also, if ulcers keep growing, lingering for longer period and lot of pain – seeing a dentist to prescribe some medication should help.
What causes Canker Sore / Mouth Ulcer: The exact reasons are not 100% known. Many feel it is due to stress or maybe eating certain types of food. Sometimes acidic or spicy foods can cause some mouth ulcers. If seeing ulcers on top of the lips and having a cold – that maybe a cold sore which is different than a canker sore. With cold sores, feel a tingly feeling / usually smaller and may have some itching feelings. We want to on our site many other dentistry issues our users face – and would like us to discuss.
Treating a canker sore: Usually most times leave area alone if have a canker sore / mouth ulcer. Your dentist can prescribe or at your pharmacy their maybe some soothing lotions / paste to put on (2) try to avoid foods that irritate it such as acidic or spicy foods. May want to use a straw to drink and generally, be more careful to not traumatize area.
If not sure what the lesion in and around your mouth is, it is best to go to your dentist to examine and check out.
We are focused on bringing interesting dental information that would be useful to our readers on here. Online Dental Marketing Discussion with us at DentalChat. Local Dentists Chatting Online , Local Emergency Dental Chat Online and Local Dental Blog with us – We are at DentalChat.com are networking with local dentists, online health care groups and dental businesses. We want to discuss various dental topics. We are not only Mouth Ulcer Blogging / Mouth Sore Discussion / Mouth Ulcers Blogging, but we are looking to discuss other dental care symptoms people may have. We want our dentalchat users to share with us what they want us to discuss here. Great time for Dental bloggers or dentists can share articles with us as well. We are looking to network with dental publishers, as well. If want to add dental content to our site that may be useful for our readers, please use the contact us form.

Can people with Diabetes have Dental Health Problems?
- Can people with Diabetes have Dental Health Problems?
- Dental Chat Online @ DentalChat.com:
- Dental Care for children with diabetes:
Can people with Diabetes have Dental Health Problems? The simple answer is yes. Diabetes as we know, can effect many areas of the body including the eyes, kidney or heart — and also it can effect the mouth in the form of Periodontal problems / gum problems – as well as more cavities as some may have less saliva in mouth (saliva helps us against cavities). This can cause bone loss around the tooth which can lead to in severe cases if untreated to tooth loss. Your dentist should be made aware if have diabetes / also, they will see bone loss during dental exam and xrays. Making sure your dentist is aware of patients that have diabetes, this way they will look for any potential dental treatments. One of the things dentists will look for in patients with diabetes is that the patient may have less saliva / the mouth feels more dry. This can cause a possibility of getting more dental cavities – though, if get regular dental prophy and do proper tooth brushing / flossing, then should help reduce this.
There are many ways to treat periodontal problems – this may include getting an extra dental prophy (your dentist will evaluate) or root planing/ scaling. The one key is for people to go get regular dental prophy / dental exam at your local dental office. Dentists can see if have periodontal problems with larger “pockets” around the teeth / and most likely more bleeding when they probe / examine the dental gum areas of your mouth. With diabetes, poor blood glucose control makes gum problems more likely. Diabetes can make gum disease worse. Hence, good idea to take extra care with proper tooth brushing, flossing and regular dental prophy.
Dental Care for children with diabetes – children with diabetes sometimes get their teeth to erupt earlier than normal. Generally, children with diabetes some dentists and studies have shown that having morning dental appointments and making sure your child has had breakfast before appointment / make sure child eats breakfast before appointment (good to have them brush their teeth after breakfast when going into the dental office).
Can Dental Chat Online and do Dental Topic Discussion with us @ DentalChat.com — We welcome feedback from our readers and if they want to share their suggestions with us. DentalChat is networking with dental bloggers and dental information sites.

Bruxism – Grinding of Teeth while Sleeping / Dental Blog
- Bruxism – Grinding of Teeth while Sleeping / Dental Blog:
There are many people who suffer from various forms of bruxism / Clenching and grinding of teeth during sleep is referred to as Bruxism. As a dentist, when we see a dental patient with “flat teeth” – that is when teeth have been ground down during sleep / then we start to ask questions of the patient. Many times patients know they are clenching their teeth while sleeping because they may be under severe stress, etc. Bruxism is characterized with oral parafunctional activity. Types of night guards – there are various types of night guard used for people to wear at night while sleeping.
How many people have a form of bruxism in the USA? It is hard to say – but some estimate it is about 10% of the population or somewhere around 30 million people. This can be mild, occasional grinding of teeth or some may have severe, which can damage the teeth by grinding them away. Bruxism in a severe form can be readily visible by teeth that have been worn down quite a bit – flat teeth in the molar region where the cusp have been worn away.
In some cases of bruxism / people can break their teeth from severe grinding or clenching. Many times dentists suggest a night guard. There are various kinds of night guards. If you feel as though your mouth is tired or jaw hurt after you wake up / it may be a good idea to go to your local dentist / dental office and get it checked out. Generally people who are Grinding their teeth or Grinding of Teeth while sleeping will eventually notice it – and should mention it to their dentist when they go for their regular exam and dental cleaning.
Want to partner online with us – we are looking for dental social media companies to partner with. We are at DentalChat looking to provide good dental information. We are also networking with some of the best dentists / dental educators and would like your contribution. We have a Dental Blog on here and are networking with dental schools as well. DentalChat.com is adding many great new features — Local Emergency Dental Chat Online with us. We appreciate your suggestions or feedback.
What is CAD CAD Dentistry / Local Dental Blog
- What is CAD CAM Dentistry / Local Dental Blog @ DentalChat.com:
What is Cad Cad Dentistry? CAD stands for Computer-Aided Design and CAM stands for Computer-Aided Manufacturing – Cad / Cam Technology is a newer form of dental technology used by dentists and dental labs – to be able to fabricate dental crowns. It is not only for dental crowns – also, for dental inlays and dental onlays that dentists create to place on or inside a tooth. As CAD / CAM technology keeps improving, dentists are more and more using it. The Cad / Cam machines can be or cost in the tens of thousands of dollars. There is more innovation in this space with 3D technology. Dentistry is on the cutting edge of new technology to help patients keep and maintain their teeth longer. CAD / CAM Dentistry is going to evolve rapidly in the coming years, as more tech innovation is happening.
Online Dental Discussion, Local Dentist Chatting, Local Emergency Dental Chat Online and Local Dental Blog with us – We are at DentalChat.com are networking with local dentists and dental businesses. We want to discuss various dental topics – we want our dentalchat users to share with us what they want us to discuss here. Dental bloggers or dentists can share articles with us as well.

Local Emergency Dentist Tech Information / Dental Info Blog
- Local Emergency Dentist Tech Information:
- Dental Info Blog:
- DentalChat.com:
- DentalChat:
We are looking to discuss dentistry – whether it is new dental information or new dental care technology. We welcome feedback from our users.
Local Emergency Dentist Tech Information / Dental Info Blog – We are going to discuss various topics on DentalChat.com. There are many new technologies that help patients now. One of them is dental lasers. Most of these are used for dental surgery in helping with dental gum surgeries or with dental bonding procedures. Dental lasers are used by dentists for gum surgery. Dental lasers in the last decade or so, are being used more often. Dental gums sometimes need to be contoured before getting a dental crown – a procedure such as dental crown lengthening, etc. For various levels of gum disease in the mouth discussion, to various crown lengthening procedures – we will be discussing here with us @ DentalChat.
Now more than ever, dentists have more online dental communication tools & dental software gadgets. We are excited to be adding more exciting new features right here on Dental Chat.
We will be looking to improve our site. DentalChat was founded by a dentist and IT health care technolog professional. Local Emergency Dental Chatting Online, Local Emergency Dentists Chat, Online Dental Care Chatting, Online Dentists Chat communication features, Local Dentist Chat Online Marketing, Online Dental Chat business listing and Local Dental Chat Networking Online with us at DentalChat.com. We are looking to network with local dental blogs and dental information companies.

Local Emergency Dentist Chat – Online Dental Care Chatting
- Local Emergency Dentist Chat – Online Dental Care Chatting:
- DentalChat.com DentalChat: